Must. Eat. Brains.
While going to buy a few more novels by Kathy Reichs, I came across a table of books about vampires, ghouls, and other sundry things. One caught my eye, Zombie Haiku, and I immediately bought it. It's supposed to be the writings, in perfect haiku form, of a poet named Chris Lynch, starting in the early days of the zombie plague. It also contains pictures of zombies on blood-spattered pages. Starting with his earliest efforts, such as:
Joy! Magic exists!
An old dream of mine came true
and I think it's love.
Then we get the first inklings of something wrong:
A guy almost dies
stumbling onto the road.
Too drunk to walk straight.
Then it gets downright scary:
Something is not right.
If my blood is in puddles
why do I feel strong?
And grossly hilarious:
Brains are less squishy
and a tad bit more squeeky
than someone might guess.
What a clever idea! I wish I had thought of it. Years ago, I wrote a series of erotic haiku, which got some interesting responses when they were published in an alternative journal. This might have been one of them:
fall leaves dancing by
eyes fixed in fervid caress
hand stroking hot flesh
If you want some twisted poetic fun, read Zombie Haiku by Ryan Mecum
Indeed, it is quite a creative read! I sat and read through almost all it at Borders before last Christmas (I was originally looking for a good book for my girlfriend).
I was surprised by how well the mentioning of different body parts and their removal fits the scheme of haiku.
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