While walking on the Hollywood Beach
whispering your name
like trying to kiss the rain
leaves hints of sweet lips
whispering your name
After logging in more than 3600 miles on my trusty Ford Escape, I am now home. My wanderlust may finally be sated for a while. Chicago was fun as I got to spend time with my daughter. Driving (actually, parking) really sucks. I generally had to park 10 or more blocks away from her apartment as there was only permit parking in that neighborhood. She lives in Wrigleyville, which means there are even more restrictions on street parking. It is generally fairly easy to get around the city taking the subway and the buses. There is still some walking involved, though. It's easier if you are younger.
I made the trek to Niagara Falls today. It seemed pretty hard to get near the falls on the American side what with the casino and everything, so I decided to take the Canadian route. They charge you to go over but not to get back. Going through customs took a while. It used to be easy. You'd drive up to the booth: "Where you born?" "Buffalo." "Anything to declare?" "No." "Have a good day." Of course, there would usually be a couple of cases of Molson's under the dirty laundry in the back seat. When I was a kid, I'd be sitting on it. I did have my passport. They wanted to know where I lived, why I was going to Canada, did I have any firearms, how long would I be staying? It was just the wait that was long. The Canadian side, though cleaner, is just as commercial now as the US side. Parking was easier to find though it was $20. They had all kinds of tours and exhibits. I just wanted to see the falls. It hasn't lost its power to mesmerize. At least I didn't feel compelled to jump in though I did fantasize about tossing a couple of tourists over the edge.
My summer odyssey continues. I am back home. Buffalo, that is. After two straight days of driving, with the second day consumed with endless roads up, down, and around mountains in Pennsylvania (never tell mapquest "avoid toll roads"), I made it here Monday night. My first order of business was to go to Anderson's and get myself a Beef on Weck. Yum. Actually, I had two of them. Today, I spent a fair amount of time visiting the cemetery. I bought some purple flowers for Bert's grave and to put in front of my mother's niche. I sat there for quite a while, listening to Elvis sing gospel songs. Bert loved to hear Elvis sing gospel. The weather was beautiful. It was an emotional time.
I still plan on moving back to my hometown when I retire (assuming I make it that far). Though I've been away for 32 years, I've never stopped caring about Buffalo and its people. This video, which I found through a link on the Buffalo Rising website, might give you some idea of the people who live there.