The Passionate Pilgrim

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Every breath I take

It's always amazing when you experience something new and then you run into people who are all experts in it or know everything about it. Now that I've done the second part of my sleep study, I've run into a bunch of people (either online or have really met them) who either have sleep apnea, sleep with someone who has it, or know someone who has it or know someone who sleeps with someone who has it. If the decision is made that I have to wear the mask that resembles something a fighter pilot would wear, I might opt out of it. It will be interesting to see what my oxygen levels were during the periods when I was actually sleeping with the mask on as opposed to the first study and those oxygen levels, which dropped considerably when I was not actually breathing. I described it to someone as imagining that you're sleeping with an octopus on your face. I thought of a couple other analogies, but I'll keep it clean. Still, it is funny how many people have told me they wear the mask or know someone who does. They say it will improve the quality of my sleep and my life. That's probably a stretch.

The sleep part will probably get better. My life will continue to suck.


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