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The discussion of genius the other day was appropriate because I’ve met one and watched another one in action today. I mentioned meeting Amaro Pena, Jr. I got to sit in on a session with him today where he talked about his career, sources of inspiration, creativity, and the importance of art (all arts) in everyone’s life. Early this morning, I got to watch another genius in action, country singer, Larry Gatlin. Larry was on hand at 8:15 (“I generally try to get up at the crack of noon.”) to be recognized for his contributions, not just to music, but to education. He was given the 2008 Amaro Pena, Jr. Journey of Excellence Award, presented by NISOD. In 2001, The Larry Gatlin School of Entertainment Technology at Guilford Technical Community College (High Point, NC) was opened to 75 students. Today, there are 400 students in a state-of-the-art $9.25 million facility. The story is an incredible one. The session was done as a panel discussion with Larry and Don Cameron, the president of GTCC. They talked about how this all came about. Larry also talked about everyone who had been an influence in his life—all the teachers who helped and believed in him. Larry was funny, is very knowledgeable of classical literature, and carried on despite the early hour and the fact that his blood sugar fell very low. He got some food from someone in the audience and managed to not drop off, as he thought he might. Then, he brought out a guitar and proceeded to show us how he wrote songs. He took us through the process. First, he started with a melody. Then, he tried to find lyrics that fit the mood. He joked about how hard it was for him to do it. He said he gave up and went up to bed and then got an idea from watching his wife sleeping. Words started coming out. Then he faltered again, played around more, and came up with some more. The song he took us through creating is “I’ve Done Enough Dying Today.” The lyrics and melody are beautiful and complement the incredible range of his voice. Though he made fun of himself, it was fascinating to watch how he arrived at such a great song. We really did get a glimpse into his genius. He said that only two of the songs he and his brothers have recorded were not written by him. It is no wonder that he has been so successful for 40 years and why so many great artists, including Elvis, have recorded his songs. Seeing Larry and getting to meet and know Amado made this trip worthwhile. These two men are really geniuses in their fields. The fact that they are humble, giving individuals makes them even more special.