Going To The Dogs
Since I didn't have my camera when I watched the windsailors the last time I went to the Hollywood Beach, I decided to take it with me today. Unfortunately, there was really no wind so no windsailors. What I did find, though, were plenty of dogs. The City of Hollywood has opened a section of the beach for dogs (and their masters) on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, from November to April 30th. They charge a fee though residents can purchase a pass. Watching the dogs frolic in the waves, I was taken with how much fun they were having. This will be viewed as nonsense, of course, by those that believe animals don't have real intelligence or emotions. Don't tell that to the dogs.

There were many people there with their dogs. I watched for about half an hour, and I didn't see any dogs bother another dog or people. They were having too much fun.

This dog, in particular, seemed to be having the most fun. He needed no coaxing to go into the water. He kept running into and out of it and really seemed to be enjoying himself. He would cut through it, dive into it, and prance through it. I haven't had a dog in more than two years. I'm not sure how Cassie would have liked this, especially with her fur coat. I just know that these dogs were having a ball. I hope they continue it.
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