The Passionate Pilgrim

Friday, January 18, 2008

Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie


Why I'm no longer a supporter of Hillary

In my email this morning was one from the "Hillary for President" campaign group. That's nothing new. As a supporter, including financially, I've gotten emails from the group, from Hillary, and Bill (well, you know what I mean). I've also gotten phone calls, and I found those to be quite irritating, asking for money and, when I said I had already given, the response was, "Well that was a month ago." Right. I know campaigns are expensive, but I felt like I was doing my part.

The email this morning is especially for supporters in South Florida. It first goes on to tell me that Hillary had signed a pledge not to campaign in any state that violated the DNC calendar (nasty Florida has done just that). But, that dastardly Obama, who also signed the pledge, is actually campaigning here in the sunshine state. But, since he seems to be behind in Florida polls, he's indicated that Florida voters don't matter (according to this email). However, they do matter to Hillary. Since she will continue to honor the pledge, she won't campaign for our primary on the 29th, but I have the opportunity to meet her at an "upcoming event" in South Florida. I can meet her at a bowling alley (wow, she's a regular person, or else she thinks she's going to Buffalo) in Miami on the 27th. I was thinking, hmmm, why not? Except then I see the kicker on the bottom of the invitation: $1,000 per person. Has bowling gotten that expensive? Those must be some pretty fancy bowling shoes. When I took my son and his family bowling last time, it "only" cost $50 or so for six of us. Gosh, it almost sounds like fund raising. There may be a Dr. in front of my name, but I'm the kind of doctor that makes no money. I work for a Republican-appointed Board of Trustees that didn't give us a pay raise this year and doesn't think we are worth what we are getting. I also live in one of the most expensive parts of the country. I know. I've been naive. I guess I wanted to convince myself that it isn't about the money. In the email, it says that "Senator Clinton intends to be President for all fifty states." What about all the people? What about the ones for whom $1,000 is a lot of money? I can hear many of my friends saying, "It's about time you woke up." Maybe I have. Maybe I'm not looking at this the right way. I'm not sure what that way is, I guess. Anyway.

Senator McCain, HM2 Patrick Ellingham, USN, is reporting for duty!


At 7:15 PM, Blogger Richard said...

Only till he asks you for money!

And he will...


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