Sunday, December 30, 2007
Hollywood Beach
Maybe it's not the best beach in the US, but it comes close. There are still long stretches that are not bordered by condos, hotels, and other man-made monuments to man's insatiable need for acquisition and possession.

I would also have liked to take a picture of the beautiful blonde in the yellow bikini that came by as I was getting ready to leave but, unlike the beach, she was not free. Like the monk in the old Zen Koan, I will continue to carry her with me--just not in my camera.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Life is . . .
I know this isn't funny because 23 people have died in the collapse of a building in Egypt, but part of the news item struck me as rather bizarre.
Buildings regularly collapse in Egypt, either as a result of deterioration with time or shoddy construction that fails to meet standards and regulations. Also, some owners tend to illegally add on more stories, destabilizing the structure.
The first thought was, didn't anyone notice that five stories had been added to the building? What happened to building permits? Building codes? I guess I shouldn't feel all that bad when my students couldn't build anything decent in the Lego Project for my tech writing class this last term.
The other question that came to mind was this: How have the pyramids lasted as long as they have?
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Fort De Soto
Nestled in the bosom of the Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico is Fort De Soto. Though large enough to be a state or national park, it is part of Pinellas County. It is made up of five islands covering some 1,136 acres. It has several beaches, nature trails (including a barrier-free, handicapped accessible trail), picnic and camping areas. Its North Beach has been voted the number one beach in North America. It has long been noted as one of the premiere areas to view a variety of birds. Of course, when I was there Monday, most of the birds were off somewhere. A familiar resident of Florida, the pelican, could be found everywhere.

It was a peaceful experience. Standing on the edge of the far eastern part of the park, I could see the Skyway Bridge in the foggy distance. Despite the many trips I've taken across that bridge, it is still white-knuckle time when I drive across it.

For anyone visiting the Tampa-Clearwater-St. Pete area, Fort De Soto is a nice spot to visit.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Return to Butterfly Island

This colorful and informative sign now graces the entrance to Butterfly Island at Secret Woods. This is a nice idea. It tells what types of butterflies are there and what plants attract them. The butterflies themselves seem to have flown further south. I only saw one yellow zebra that didn't want to light long enough for me to take his picture.