The Passionate Pilgrim

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Real "Body"

The debate rages on: Who is "the body"? Is it Heidi Klum or Elle MacPherson?

There is no contest.

It's Jesse "The Body" Ventura!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

This movie needs to be seen by everyone, especially all Americans. Unfortunately, the people who need to see it the most, Bush and his cronies, won't. In the clearest terms and illustrations possible, Al Gore shows us where we are today, how we got here, what will happen if we continue the way we are headed, and what can be done to prevent what can only be termed a catastrophe for the Earth and humankind. Global Warming is a reality, and no "pseudoscience" nor doctored NASA reports can disprove that. For those of us old enough to remember Alvin Tofler's Future Shock and the effect that it had on us, this is more than a wake up call. How many students saw that movie and read that book? We need to do that again with this movie.

Check out the link to the movie's web site on the right to see what each of us can do.