The Passionate Pilgrim

Monday, August 20, 2007

Elvis Lives!

In the best Chaucerian tradition, my son and I made the pilgrimage to the shrine of the American Saint. We were in Memphis at Graceland for the 30th Anniversary Celebration of Elvis' life. This was my son's first time and my third. There were some 75,000 people there for the event. The most moving experience was the candlelight vigil held on the 15th of August. Upwards of 60,000 people were in the street in front of Graceland. It's an amazing feeling to be part of a like-minded group that is there for one reason: a love of Elvis. Part of the vigil is walking past his grave at night. The ceremony started at 8:30 p.m. Some people were lining up at 10:00 a.m. The temperature made it up to 107 degrees. The final visitors made it past the grave at noon the next day.

The candles stretch out into the distance. People were of all ages and backgrounds. We listened to speakers when it started, as well as his voice. The most poignant part of this was when 60,000 people all sang along with Elvis in "Can't Help Falling in Love." That was my wife and my song. It was also my son and daughter-in-law's song at their wedding. He called her during the singing to tell her what we were doing and that he loved her. I don't think there were many dry eyes when that was over.

More of the crowd. People stayed in the street for hours. No one wanted to go home. There were a lot more activities during the week, including the concert at the sold-out Fed Ex Forum, which was incredible. Both Priscilla and Lisa Marie were there. Lisa Marie introduced her new video where she sings "In the Ghetto" with her father. She came out at the end (in a dazzling red gown [barefoot]) and sang the ending with members of Al Green's Tabernacle Choir. The Ultimate Tribute Artist finals the next night was also excellent. Of course, the trip and the experience would not be complete without a tour of Graceland. It is something that every Elvis fan needs to experience. His presence there is powerful.

The tour ends with a visit to the Meditation Garden where he is buried with his mother, father, and grandmother. The grave was covered with flowers and mementos that people had brought with them. There were very few dry eyes there, either.


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