The Passionate Pilgrim

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What is art for?

I just came back from Chicago. I attended the 4Cs (College Composition and Communication Conference), which is under the NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English). It was an incredible experience. I came back really charged up about teaching. It was also great to be back in Chicago. This was the first time in almost 30 years since I had been there. I went there a lot when I was in boot camp and then US Navy Hospital Corps School in Great Lakes. Dean and I used to go there to visit his son after his ex-wife moved near the city. It felt like home (Buffalo). However, this isn't what this post is about.

I also went to the Museum of Contemporary Art and saw their Warhol exhibit. Elvis, Marilyn, and Liz were all there, too. The most powerful exhibit, though, wasn't Andy's.

An artist named Maurizio Cattelan had one titled "HIM."

You had to walk through several rooms that were all stark white with nothing in them. Hallways were also stark white and empty. Finally, you got into the last room. It, too, was stark white. In the middle of the floor was what looked like a little boy kneeling, wearing a tweed suit. He seemed to be praying, looking out into nothing. It was a Duane Hanson-like figure. All this set you up for a feeling of total innocence. When you walked around to the front of the figure, you could finally see his face.

It was Hitler.

I may never look at anything the same way again.

To learn more about the artist, here's a link that also has an interview with him. There's also a picture of his sculpture, but it doesn't have the same impact when seen this way. The confined, pristine space of the gallery contributed to the powerful effect. For an artist who supposedly doesn't take his art too seriously, he has created some serious art.

I would love to be able to talk to people about the meaning of this and the effect it had.


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